Tuesday 10 November 2015



Tried watching t.v. serials with mom.

The first day experiment was trying to feel how it would feel watching T.v. serials with my mom. As all of you would imagine why i took it up as my first challenge is because i never used to like watching serials since i was a kid.so i tried it out to feel how it would actually feel at this age to watch serials. But frankly speaking i had the patience to watch serial for just fifteen minutes because the family drama was just too boring and out of my understanding.I quickly asked my mom as to how you tolerate such nonsense she quickly replied that it was far better than your sports channels.so i understood the point that taste differ from person to person and that all the people cannot have the same taste and preferences.

DAY 2 

Tried my hand at cooking

Next experiment i tried out was checking out my luck in cooking.As you would imagine iam so good at cooking that my mom would never allow me to enter kitchen.so i tried my hand at making chapattis,but it turned out to be a great disaster and i got scoldings from my mom for wasting lot of food items as well as gas,But i learnt an important lesson that all things which look simple to us are not that easy and all things that we take to be granted are not that easy.Next time i would not cosider even a small task as silly.


Started to make friends with small kids

I stay in a  flat in Mangalore and i always used to see lot of kids playing in the basement of my flat but i never bothered to go to have a word with them or spend time with them as i thought what the kids could after all teach a grown up like me.But as part of my experiment i decided to have a word with them and spend my precious time with them but to my surprise i actually had a wonderful time with them i got to know a lot about them their interests and tastes  the main point to be emphasized is their unity in learning or even while playing games they even learn how to share things which they posses such as toys and books etc ,so they teach us a important lesson in life that sharing is caring and we must always care for everyone around us rather than being just confined to ourselves.

Day 4

Talking to a friend after 5 years

As part of my experiment i thought i should get in touch with my old classmate with whom i had not been in touch since i had completed my SSLC.I luckily got his phone number through an old classmate and stated chatting with him he was a close friend of mine when we were at school but after our school days we were really out of touch so to my surprise he was astonished that i was still good enough to remember him after a long period of time.We chatted about our good old days and promised to keep in touch here after.


Go on a ride alone

I used to never like the idea of going on a ride all alone in my car.So as part of my experiment i decided to go for a long drive all alone .I got up early the very next morning and decided to leave for the long drive.It was very cold in the morning and i was a bit sleepy too but the thing that fascinated is that the traffic on roads were very less and i could ride at a very high speed and i decided to take a route that i had never taken in Mangalore after driving for long time i stopped at a particular place and had break fast and while returning back i had some difficlty in finding out the road, but i stopped at several places and asked some people about the route and they were very friendly and helped me find my destination.


Read a book which i had once finished reading in my 7th standard.

I once again finished reading the novel " Famous Five" which i had once read in my seventh standard.The famous five are spending their holidays in a caravan it was a fun filled experience for them .The experience of reading the book was too good i felt as if once again i had gone back to my school days and felt as if i had those golden days back.I feel really proud to have been able to complete reading that book in the seventh standard,but i did not get the patience now to complete reading that novel at one stretch.It was basically fun going back to those wonderful memories.


Went to market for purchasing vegetables

I used to go to market to purchase vegetables only when my mom told to do so,but as a part of the experiment i went to purchase vegetables to the market on my own.I knew when i was purchasing the vegetables i was not picking the right one nor the right quantity,but still i continued shopping and spent around 250 ruppees.I only understood when i reached home that i had not done a bad job because my mom did not comment much on my purchase.

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