Friday 1 January 2016


This chapter was about 2 main parts of the grammar - Picturing word and connecting word. 

New things learnt
 The 1st thing that I learnt was to forget everything that I learnt from about grammar.     I came to know that there are only 2 main parts of grammar those are Picturing word and connecting word
   A picturing word is a word that carries a built in picture within i
A connecting word is a word that connects a picturing word.

 Things that I already knew
    I knew about the picturing word as well as connecting words
    Almost all picturing words mentioned were familiar to me.

 Mistakes that I made while solving the questions
1.     I made a mistake in the 3rd questions picturing words about people.
2.     In most of the questions I couldn't figure out the 5 words that were asked.
Conceopt which i used to connect blog posts.

I actually didn't correct my blog posts. Bit I think I can correct it by using the concept of Picturing word as well as the connecting words.


I can apply this mainly while writing assignments because there will be lot of grammatical mistakes. In Marketing there is an assignment of blog writing so i can use these 2 concepts. 

Title: 2nd chapter- How to put two word parts together.

Once we have the two words that is connecting word and the picturing word then to form a sentence we need to connect it through different connecting words.

 New things learnt
·        I learnt to connect a picturing word with the connecting word.
·        By this we can write stories, explanations and poems using the 2 words put together by framing sentences.
·        I learnt that to frame a sentence we have to picture the idea say like a boat a river then we have to know the connecting words say like of, off, the etc. By this picturing the view as well as connecting words we should frame a sentence.
·        When talking to somebody our main intention is to convince somebody, so there has to be a pause at the end of each sentence.
·        I learnt that we can form sentences starting with if, of off, up etc.

Things that I already knew about this chapter)
·        I knew that ultimately by 2 words we have to form a sentence.
·        I knew how to form sentences with some of the words given.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter
There were some difficulties that I faced when framing a sentences so I had to Google it up.

Correcting blog posts using this chapter
By this chapter one learns how to frame sentences through Connecting words as well as picturing image. From this I can change my blog by thinking about football has the image also the match being played and I can use the connecting words like the, and , as of to frame a sentences such that I can effectively bring up up my thoughts to people.

Applying to other subjects

I can apply this concepts to write blog and also in writing assignments so that I don't  got any dramatical errors. It may help me in writing exams, passage writing etc.

Title :3 Chapter How to build understanding into every sentence.

 This is more about understanding a sentence which is told by one another. A sentence consists of image and also the connecting words but using them differs from people to people.)

 New things learnt
1.    I learnt that when you speak to somebody the other person should be able to get through images
2.    You have to make people understand not memorize.
3.      I learnt that when we study new we have to understand it through images not by memorising..
4.      I learnt that understanding is image sharing.
5.      I learnt that we should not speak too fast.
6.      I learnt that we have to frame as small sentences as we can but clear.
7.     Not interrupting one image with another.

 Things that I already knew about this chapter
1.   Making one understand while speaking is the motive that I already knew.                .
2.   I knew that we have to pause after every sentence we speak.
3.     I knew memorizing too many words at one time is not easy.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter
Removing the block from a sentence was difficult..

Writing blog posts using this chapter
I came to know that creating more of images in a sentence is not good. It is difficult for one to understand it. We take each sentence has an image and too much of it will make it worse. So I can surely make some corrections from my blog by cutting down more of my big sentences into a smaller one

Applying to other subjects
We can use this idea while speaking to people. For subjects I can use this in exams , blog writing, while writing resume's and many more.

Title: 4th chapter- How to link sentences together.

This is all about connecting the first sentence to your second sentence

New things learnt
I learnt that we must not put too much details in a sentence.
I learnt what is condensing connector.
I learnt that condensing connectors do not have to be used alone tolink 2sentences together.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. I knew putting  much detail into a single sentence the listener will surely not  follow me.
2. Pausing after every sentences.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter
1. I have made too many mistakes while solving condensing connector sentences.

  Blog posts using this chapter
From this chapter I can correct my blog by making them condensing continually. i.e Condensing connector is a single word from a thought and uses that word in the next sentence. From then I carry forward my views into a bigger picture.

 Applying to other subjects
I can surely use this in all the subjects mainly while writing reports, assignments. I can use this while talking to people also.  

Title: 5th chapter- How to choose the right length for your sentences.

In this chapter we learn to get the right length i.e. the number of words for a sentence with simplicity and clearness.

 New things learnt

1. I learnt that any sentences long or short must have a connector.

 Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. I knew what we say or write must be understood by everyone.
2. I knew that sentences can be of any length.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

Few errors have occurred while completing exercises of this chapter.

  Writing blog posts using this chapter

If there is any long sentences in my blog then I can make it shorter so that people can understand clearly and also when the ideas are complicated. By this way I can change my blog

 Applying to other subjects

 I can apply this to my subjects by writing small sentences if ideas are complicated then I can use it. It can help me in writing assignments, Summary of case studies, may be in Resume.

Title: 6th chapter- How to write in simple terms – so that anyone can understand your most complicated thoughts.

The main idea in this chapter is that if we meet any complicated thought then first we have to separate them then we have to add connectors to it to make it simpler.

 New things learnt
1. I learnt to separate the images in the sentences and then add connector to it.
2. I learnt that we have to make use of many connectors as possible to link sentences.
3. I came to know that repetition is a vital tool in eliminating overloaded sentences.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

In this chapter I was introduced to new concepts..

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

I made some minor errors while solving problems.

 Applying to other subjects

This can be used for any subjects while writing especially even in talking this can be used. Overloading most of the things in one sentences will make it difficult for understanding.  

7th chapter- How to avoid monotony – so that your reader enjoys your sentences at the same time that he or she learns from them.

This is about avoiding monotony. In this chapter we make the sentences repetitious and short and transform them into longer sentences which is still understood by the reader.

New things learnt
1. I learnt when monotony occurs.
2. I came to know that forward signalling connectors are 1st cousins of dependent connectors.

 Things that I already knew about this chapter

I knew only a few concepts about this chapter.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

I found some difficulties solving the 5st question and even the 9thone.

Writing blog posts using this chapter

I can correct my blog by breaking the overlong sentences and transform into a shorter one .

 Applying to other subjects

I can use this while writing exams I can make long sentences into a shorter one and make more sentences out of them. I can use this in all the subjects.

Title: 8th chapter- This chapter mainly says how to write sentence clearly.

 This chapter talks about how one can remove ambiguity in a sentence and start writing clearly

 New things learnt

1. I learnt that without picture words your sentences are empty.

2. Without connecting words they are misunderstood.

 Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. One thing I knew about this chapter is that when we write something we  should  not confuse the reader .

2. I knew that we have to write simple sentences so that people can understand what we have written.

3. I knew the meaning of clear which means- A picture word or phrase is clear when it has one possible meaning in the sentence.

Corrections in blog writing

I can write my blog in such a way that it is easy for people to understand the concept.

Applying to other subject

We can apply this concept in our subjects while writing exams because corrector shouldn’t be confused of what we have written. Plus while speaking to somebody we have to be as clear and simple as possible because the listener shouldn’t understand it differently.

9th chapter- How to use the clarity principle to build wit, Symbolism, and suspense into your writing.

In this chapter mainly for adding spice to communication we use clarity principle to our key words . 

 New things learnt

1. I came to know that multiple meanings were called pivot words.

2. There are 3 types of pivots – Wit,  Pun, Suspense.

3. I learnt that by using clarity principle we can add style to our writing, we can influence people,  we can have fun also deep emotions.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

 1I knew how to correct sentences that contains ambiguity.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

I made minor error while solving this chapter.

 Correcting blog posts using this chapter

I can correct my blog posts by adding multiple meanings to the words by using the 3 types of pivots- Wit, Pun and Suspense which can surely give spice to my blog even I can make it more funny or emotional.

10th chapter- Elaboration- How to develop your flow of thought from sentence to sentence.

This chapter is mainly about how you develop your flow of thought into other people’s minds. For example as novels, business reports etc and also how you elaborate your thought

 New things learnt

1. I learnt that to transfer a thought first we have to divide that flow of thought into several different, but overlapping steps.

2.  I learnt the general rule for elaboration i.e – First we have to choose core idea. Tell the listener all the details he has to know about it in many sentences as it takes.

3. I learnt that even if the sentences are long/short the sentences should be understandable to reader.

4. I learnt that narrative sequence is the most common elaboration structure used.

5. I learnt that we have to keep our first definition has simple as possible.

 Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. I knew that our main goal is to transfer our thoughts to other people’s minds.

2. I knew that logic consists of facts.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

1. I made some mistakes in the 5th problem .

2. 12th problem gave me some difficulties.

 Correcting blog posts using this chapter

I can change my blog by elaborating my thought by using a general rule such that I can convince people better than usual.

Future use
I can surely use this while writing research papers. It can help me in writing long answers in exams. Even in final year projects i can learn a lot from it. It can help me in writing anything which is needed in our day to day life.