Friday 1 January 2016

Title: 4th chapter- How to link sentences together.

This is all about connecting the first sentence to your second sentence

New things learnt
I learnt that we must not put too much details in a sentence.
I learnt what is condensing connector.
I learnt that condensing connectors do not have to be used alone tolink 2sentences together.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. I knew putting  much detail into a single sentence the listener will surely not  follow me.
2. Pausing after every sentences.

 Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter
1. I have made too many mistakes while solving condensing connector sentences.

  Blog posts using this chapter
From this chapter I can correct my blog by making them condensing continually. i.e Condensing connector is a single word from a thought and uses that word in the next sentence. From then I carry forward my views into a bigger picture.

 Applying to other subjects
I can surely use this in all the subjects mainly while writing reports, assignments. I can use this while talking to people also.  

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