Friday 1 January 2016

Title: 2nd chapter- How to put two word parts together.

Once we have the two words that is connecting word and the picturing word then to form a sentence we need to connect it through different connecting words.

 New things learnt
·        I learnt to connect a picturing word with the connecting word.
·        By this we can write stories, explanations and poems using the 2 words put together by framing sentences.
·        I learnt that to frame a sentence we have to picture the idea say like a boat a river then we have to know the connecting words say like of, off, the etc. By this picturing the view as well as connecting words we should frame a sentence.
·        When talking to somebody our main intention is to convince somebody, so there has to be a pause at the end of each sentence.
·        I learnt that we can form sentences starting with if, of off, up etc.

Things that I already knew about this chapter)
·        I knew that ultimately by 2 words we have to form a sentence.
·        I knew how to form sentences with some of the words given.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter
There were some difficulties that I faced when framing a sentences so I had to Google it up.

Correcting blog posts using this chapter
By this chapter one learns how to frame sentences through Connecting words as well as picturing image. From this I can change my blog by thinking about football has the image also the match being played and I can use the connecting words like the, and , as of to frame a sentences such that I can effectively bring up up my thoughts to people.

Applying to other subjects

I can apply this concepts to write blog and also in writing assignments so that I don't  got any dramatical errors. It may help me in writing exams, passage writing etc.

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